
What is #ParentsAreWatching? A place to stay on top of issues affecting children's health and parental rights.
Who are we? We are parents, healthcare professionals, scientists and others who are concerned with issues affecting children's health and parental rights.

What is our mission? To protect the well-being of our most vulnerable population: babies and children.

It’s time for parents to reclaim their power and their children’s health.

Our medical establishment and regulatory authorities have failed us. Our children have become the collateral damage of "science" that's settled behind closed doors by captured and compromised regulatory authorities. These agencies approve and recommend drugs, vaccines and medical interventions that harm our children — and then look the other way when things go wrong.

We can end this. We must. Let's start by showing them that #ParentsAreWatching.

Visit this page regularly for resources, updates and action alerts.

It’s time to hold Pfizer and the FDA accountable. With just one click, you can email every FDA decision-maker and let them know that #ParentsAreWatching and we expect them to #ProtectOurChildren.

Protect the Children

Questions? Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
©2022 Parents Are Watching.